Golden Rooster on the Roof of a Church Surrounded by Buildings in Riga, Latvia

June VAT Deadline 2020 is fast approaching

VAT reclaim is an important revenue stream for many businesses looking to increase their cash-flow at this difficult time.

Increase your business’ cash-flow immediately by reclaiming VAT on your corporate expenses and business travel incurred in the EU between January 1st and December 31st 2019.

Reclaim up to 27% on expenses such as:

  • Travel & Entertainment Expenses: like accommodation, meals, transport costs, conference costs.
  • Account Payable Invoices: like professional services, equipment, consulting & legal fees, research & development.
  • Inter-company Expenses: such as office expenses, legal costs, international project, and more.

*Assess your June Deadline opportunity now*

Will COVID-19 impact June Deadline?

Taxback International are in constant contact with global tax offices to keep up to date with easements on VAT obligations during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are closely monitoring if these will have any effects on June VAT Deadline.

The French Tax Office is the first to offer June Deadline exceptions because of COVID-19. They have communicated that they will accept refund claims whereby only the original authorisation form and claim form are enclosed. The otherwise mandatory original invoices and supporting documents may follow at a later time if companies have difficulties obtaining them due to current travel restrictions. This tolerance is in place for a limited time until the COVID-19 restrictive measures ease.

This blog will be updated if/when further announcements are made.

Who does June deadline apply to?

The June deadline, in relation to the 13th directive, applies to:

  • Non-EU companies: (U.S.A., Canada, Australia) who have incurred value-added tax (VAT) on corporate travel expenses in the EU.
  • EU companies: who have incurred value-added tax (VAT) on corporate travel expenses in Norway, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia and other certain countries.

Upcoming Deadlines

June 1st: The deadline for the transfer of invoices to Taxback International to ensure applications are processed. For non-EU claimants, originals invoices may be required.

June 30th: Tax office deadline to reclaim VAT on business travel, cross border transactions and account payable expenses incurred in the EU between January 1st and December 31st 2019.

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