International VAT Rate Round

International VAT Rate Round Up: August 2024

The August edition of our International VAT Rate Round Up highlights the latest updates from Estonia, Greece, and Vietnam.


The new government has agreed on a number of tax measures.

One of these measures includes the announcement that from 1 July 2025, the VAT rate shall be further increased from 22% to 24%.


In a press release from 20 June 2024, the Greek Ministry of National Economy and Finance announced that the 13% reduced VAT rate on taxis becomes permanent from 1 July 2024.

According to the previous regulation, the application of the reduced rate was temporary for taxis and should have expired on 30 June 2024.

The 13% VAT rate for the rest of the public transport became permanent earlier this year (from 1 January 2024).

The public transport covers train, metro and tram tickets, city and intercity buses, air and ferry tickets, as well as transport by a combination of road, air and sea means.


The Vietnamese Government approved an extension of the 8% VAT rate until the end of 2024.

On the 30 June 2024, the Government issued Decree No. 72/2024/ND-CP extending the application of the 8% VAT rate for the period of 1 July 2024 to 31 December 2024.

The following groups of goods and services are excluded from the reduction:

  • Telecommunications;
  • Financial activities;
  • Banking;
  • Securities;
  • Insurance;
  • Real estate trading;
  • Metals and products from prefabricated metals;
  • Mining products (excluding coal mining);
  • Coke and refined petroleum; and
  • Chemical products.

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International VAT Rate Round Up: July 2024

If you missed out on our July VAT rate announcements of VAT threshold changes, you can catch up now.

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