December VAT Deadline

UK December VAT Refund Deadline – Warning for Non-EU Companies

Is your business located outside the EU? Then it’s time to get ready for your next VAT deadline under the 13th directive. The December VAT deadline.

You can now submit your reclaim for VAT spent on goods and services from 1st July 2019 to 30th June 2020 in the United Kingdom.

If you do not do it by 31st December this year, you will miss a huge opportunity for your business. For the December VAT deadline, there will be no extensions given or late applications accepted!

To help you make that deadline, we’re with you every step of the way. With our platform, you can easily connect to your expense management system to identify your spend within the UK during this period. And once your refund potential is identified, we’ll help you organise the relevant documentation to get your December VAT deadline refund application lodged in time.

If your business is based outside the EU – this applies to your company.


Don’t miss the chance to reclaim VAT on business travel expenses and AP invoices

Even though business travel is probably at an all-time low in your organisation, you can still claim back UK VAT from 2019/2020. If your staff bought goods and services like accommodation, fuel, tolls, car hire, meals, restaurant services, and admissions to trade fairs or exhibitions during this period in the UK, you simply cannot miss out on this UK VAT reclaim.

There is also a huge opportunity for businesses to reclaim on Accounts Payable invoices during this deadline. If your business has tooling, premises rental or professional services invoices, they may be eligible for a refund.

Bear in mind that Covid-19 will no doubt have an impact on this December VAT deadline like it has had on other VAT deadlines this year. For example, you may encounter difficulties collecting and sending the required original documents, invoices/import documents, certificate of status and authorisation forms required for specific refunds.

Thankfully, the UK tax offices are aiming to help navigate the process as much as possible. And they have just announced certain tolerances in situations where the original certificate of status may be provided at a later date due to COVID restrictions or related issues.


How do I reclaim this UK VAT?

Send your application by post, including all original invoices, authorisation form, and an original valid certificate of status (if not already held by tax office).


Taxback International is here to help

Our streamlined solution can easily connect to your expense management system to identify your spend within not just the UK, but also the Netherlands, Cyprus and Iceland during the refund periods, where a similar deadline also applies (subject to strict rules).

We can advise you on getting all your documents in order, so you can get your application lodged in time. Not only that, we can also discuss the Covid 19 adjustments and easements with you, and explain how they can work to your benefit.

Talk to us today and take the first step in meeting that all-important December VAT deadline.


For more information on other VAT deadlines, click here.

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